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Social Media Statement

I will put the conclusion here first, and the story afterward. The conclusion is that social media is ONLY good for several things No. 1: Having personal conversations with your limited network of friends, sharing pictures with them, videos, and whatever you want to talk about. No. 2: Having debates with people you would not ordinarily have a debate with. No. 3: Getting censored when the platform corporation does not like what you say. There are things I would like to say to my network of friends that I cannot say on social media, like warnings about involvment the sorcery we call the vaccine, or the theft of votes in 2020, etc., and postings of various information sources on these things.

But I have never viligantly posted information that gets censored, chiefly because I know my friends are wise to where to get uncensored information. But I did get censored for these things. The last straw was when Face Book's AI censored my posting of counting to Shavuot. So you see, it has now devolved to the point of censoring religion. The demons are in the AI. That is artificial intelligence. But the thing is that the devil controls whatever tools you allow him to, and so he controls the AI. FaceBook regretted their decision to censor me shortly afterward with an automated message. No real regret or remorse though. Just a "we the authorities message" that said I after all measured up to their moral standards. I was told by a Jewish person who did not hold faithful to Messiah that basically, I as a non-Jew was culturally appropriating the Jewish blessing for counting days to Shavuot. Probably the words, "Blessed are you Adonai Yeshua who has commanded us to count the days to Shavuot...." and then I explained some Hebrew terms in the blessing.

To shorten the Face Book story, I will not be forgiving Face Book. I have also observed that social media encourages addiction to talking about oneself and one's life in vain, that is to no real purpose. Most are addicted to this. I never used FB for this purpose. Nor does social media really allow one to discover the truth. If you are trying to then there is a hell of a lot of static from those who disagree with everything. You are much better off with an uncensored search engine and reading articles and then thinking about them thoughtfully, or books, or libraries, or research, or talking one on one with someone you respect.

What about Gab, and other alterative social media that does not censor? Well this might be good for the first purpose listed above, but there is a problem. Face Book and Twitter captured the town square early on. It is basically like being the owner of the town square where everyone usually comes to talk. The owner allowed free speech at first, but then they committed treason, or treachery might better describe it, and decided to shut certain people they did not like up, because their real goal is power and control with global totalitarianism as their end game.

Now of course, I am not for anything goes free speech, namely destructive speech, porn, slander, and verbal abuse, as well as any expressions of hatred directed against persons, property, or life. But I have concluded that FB in one way or another allows all of these things. All of these types of speech are illegal according to Torah, but they allow it all. But when one speaks the truth respectfully, and they don't like it, they censor it. The world does not understand the difference between respectfully pointing out the truth in love even though someone may feel offended to hear it, and someone who is attacking because they just disagree, and not just trying to give a reason why they disagree, by doing ad hom attacks. And that is exactly what the person who told me why I was censored in so nasty a way did. Why did not FB's AI catch that one? The world is not capable of practicing respectful free speech. They always devolve to practicing lawless speech. Indeed, even on GAB, people come on and post porn links just like prostitutes ply their trade on Face Book. Social media, therefore, will always be the wild west, either the wild west plus censorship of targetted subjects, or the plain wild west. The social contract in America is for the wild west plus nothing more. But only the faithful in Messiah can ransom this to anything better. That's just the way things are.

So the conclusion is: you only get truly respectful free speech from the faithful who hold faithful to Messiah Yeshua, and who self regulate what they say so that it does not verbally harm anyone out of a destructive motive.

There is, of course, a mission to be had to the world, but the faithful must seek a safe space for nurturing. Social media is not the place to do it. It is only a place to seek out others, but not a place to build your own platform. For this reason I am making my primary means of communication email, personal contact, and telephone or video confrencing in ways that make a more lasting contribution to the kingdom. And I have seen that I have done the world a disservice by posting so much on FB, and especially the larger community of faithful in Messiah. However, I am thankful for the real friends I have met there and the benefits they have received and have given. So, it is not a total loss. I just see that it was not the best. I should have been working on my own website and these other means of communication. And just so everyone knows, my remarks on social media do not apply to making videos for teaching. However, it does apply to trying to comment below videos. So I will give email and friends priority. This will deprive naysayers of the endorphine fix they get from telling me off in front of my audience.

The battle is not over however, and censorship will become a real issue when ISP's start doing it, and evil increases to throwing people who speak respectfully and lovingly into jail just for talking. No doubt I will have to keep several avenues of communication open in case one goes down.

If you find me on social media, don't expect me to post anything to my own account. It will probably be helpful links or comments on my friends accounts or comment blanks.